Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Different Edmonton Windows Replacement Options

If you’ve decided to have your windows replaced, here are some common options you might want to consider.

Horizontal sliding windows are ideal for use in bedrooms and are quite useful in letting the air in your home.  This type of window is quite easy to maintain, and you can remove the glass from the frame simply by using a slider.  This classic design is probably the most popular option for Edmonton windows replacement.   Likewise, there are also vertical sliding windows which work in exactly the same way.  The only difference between vertical and horizontal windows is the orientation, nothing else.

Now let’s move onto the “special” types of windows you can choose when having your windows replaced or new ones installed.  Casement windows are considered the easiest to open – this is done by cranking the window open whenever you’d want to let some breezes in.  Awnings, like casements, come with triple weather stripping, and also crank out when opening.  What makes awnings unique is the bottom portion, which is useful in preventing rains from entering the home.  

If you’re looking to spruce up the appearance of your room by placing plants next to your windows, Bay and Bow windows make a great Edmonton windows replacement choice.  Not only do you get a ledge to place plants, you can also let more light into the room you have these windows installed in.  It’s the perfect type of window for those that like to “dig in” and enjoy the view outside. 

Read more information about windows replacement Edmonton.